Two Simple Questions

The moment a tax issue is brought to your attention, you begin to notice the television ads. And if you’ve had a state or federal tax lien, you definitely have received phone calls with offers to help you resolve your tax debt situation.

What’s important to note is that you can tell a lot about a company and their ability to represent you by asking these two simple questions during that first call:

Question 1: Are you yourself licensed to practice before the IRS?

If you are talking to a company about your tax liability and their representative is diagnosing your situation and describing what they’ll do to help you, wouldn’t you think they would have the proper credentials to negotiate your liability themselves? Unfortunately, the majority of the individuals you speak with are unlicensed, commission based salespersons. Think of it like this: would you get a medical diagnosis from anyone other than a licensed medical practitioner? Probably not. Keep in mind that the consultants at 20/20 Tax Resolution are licensed Enrolled Agents, so you know the advice you are receiving on that initial phone call is correct.

Question 2: Does it cost money to evaluate my case? 

Many companies that advertise on television are paying you for information when you respond to their ad. This means they need to recoup that money whether you hire them or not. There are some companies that charge a large fee just to speak with a consultant. In many cases, you end up paying an unlicensed salesperson to simply tell you what they can do for you – which may or may not be accurate information. Remember, all initial consultations at 20/20 Tax Resolution are completed free of charge.

We understand that the world of tax resolution can be incredibly confusing, but if you’d like to hire a tax resolution company you can easily weed out many by asking these upfront questions. At the end of the day, if they aren’t licensed and it costs money to speak to them, think twice about proceeding.