Your Unique Tax Resolution Strategy

Once you’ve taken the first step and hired a representative to help you negotiate your tax debt, he or she should conduct a thorough examination of your financial situation before proceeding with a set resolution strategy.

At 20/20 Tax Resolution, this initial examination begins immediately after you hire us. Your representative will schedule a conference call with you and anyone else that you’d like to be involved (CPA, Attorney, significant other, etc.) to discuss your current financial situation as well as your expectations for a resolution. During this conversation, your 20/20 representative will ask you questions about you or your businesses financial condition so that he or she can assess the correct strategy for your situation. Additionally, your representative will be able to understand the desired outcome(s) that you expect during your relationship with our firm.

Keep in mind, any authorized representative can propose a cookie cutter resolution strategy based on your financial state. However, at 20/20Calculator Tax Resolution we strive to understand what our clients need and want out of the relationship while simultaneously addressing any concerns.

The reality is: every situation is different. Some clients are worried about the IRS taking aggressive action, while others have had a history of dealing with aggressive action and are not necessarily worried about the threat of a levy. There are clients who are looking for additional time in order to file their returns, and there are those that want a resolution on the debt immediately through a payment plan or compromise.

At 20/20 Tax Resolution we take the time to understand your entire tax debt situation, not just the black and white reality of numbers on a page. We pride ourselves on this personalized approach and hope that within the first 24 hours of our representation you are able to see that clearly.